Presenting at Solid edge university 2016 in indianapolis
I will be giving a breakout session at #SEU16 entitled "Solid Edge in New Markets: Bringing CAD to Life Science Innovators" on October 26, 2016. This will be a great opportunity to talk about my business and discuss innovation opportunities with the great designers at SEU. Thanks to Donna Wright and others at Siemens and LMGi for encouraging me to put this together.
Microsoft surface pro 4 and lab machinist solutions
Thanks to Microsoft and Run Studios for this beautiful video profiling Lab Machinist Solutions as a user of the Surface Pro 4! It was a pleasure working on this project and I'm a big fan of the Surface.
lms case study in Desktop engineering magazine
Lab Machinist Solutions was profiled as a sidebar case study in a DE article entitled "The Growing Demand For On-Demand CAD Licensing." The subscription option for Solid Edge was an important advantage for me when starting my business, though I've now transitioned to a node-locked premium license. This trend toward subscription software is growing and more often than not, it has been a good option for me.
LMS profiled in article on
Lab Machinist Solutions was profiled on, with a focus on my use of Siemens Solid Edge for CAD, as a small consulting business.